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10 Mar 2012

Congratulation To...

PhotobucketYo !! it is Yumiko here xDD , remember Pico is having a St Patrick event and prop Happy Oliver to win 1000 AG ??  Photobucket
My friend, also a member/cat in Nikko Family was won !!!! Photobucket
here are the picture below, click to view in big Photobucket
Remember last time I have talking about Nikko Family 1st Anniversary special event ??  Photobucket
Today we have done Trivia as celebrate Photobucket
And im here to congrat υṉïṉǝќøṉʎαṉ ♥ for winning this contest Photobucket

1 comment:

єяι¢α.мιυ™ said...

Congratz to CR2MY-BR2D CAT and neko, but the trivia wasn't started in the time that we planned... so some of us was tryin to rush home for the trivia didn't get a chance to join it. so fair... =.=

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