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15 Mar 2012

Are u a chinese ppl in pico ?

Are u a chinese in Pico ? jus now i create a group jus special for chinese Photobucket , any one can join this (but must know chinese) even ur rich poor cute ugly, wat ever , we dun matter about this , how to join ? https://www.facebook.com/groups/187728388008435/  < go for more info , but sry it is still new , maybe have no many information inside , but i will do it as fast as i can Photobucket

Guys, is ur all's pico cant play also ?

This is happen at jus now (Malaysia time before 5.52 13/3/2012) , I notice that my pico is DC suddenly Photobucket
So i tried to refresh more than 10 + times , but it wont work Photobucket
So i starting to ask some ppl , here is picture below, click to view in large
this is the result that i tried refresh more than 10 timesPhotobucket
and i was discuss with my friend too about this issuePhotobucket
this is the post inside nikko family , all ppl is having the same problem Photobucket

Photobucket Are u having the same problem too ? u can comment here , comment at my chat box inside this blog or go to : http://www.facebook.com/YumikoPico

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